The Future Finance Function: Driving Strategy & Innovation for 2023 and Beyond

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The Future Finance Function: Driving Strategy & Innovation for 2023 and Beyond

Thursday, 02 March 2023

09:00  to  10:15 Europe, London (GMT+01:00)



INDUSTRIES: Financial Services



Be it seeing your liquidity or capital position, driving profitability, managing mergers & acquisitions, or other finance-focused organisational change, finance leaders need to work out how to extract and aggregate data from multiple systems, how to integrate it and how to use it to drive strategy. But if you’re having to deal with operational demands, legacy systems, skyrocketing inflation and instability, finding the space for innovation, agility and transformation can be tough. So what’s the secret?

Connect to deliver value

Finance co-pilots the ship and is a partner to every line of business. It’s not just about transactional activities and business as usual. You need to map efficiencies, measure performance, control the information flow in your organisation and deliver value. How do you set yourself up to optimise the synergies that growth brings?

Unify processes and systems

Disconnected data, legacy processes and systems mean you can’t steer your business where it needs to go. How do you transform to consolidate and integrate all your data, unite organisational silos, and get the insight you need to master business challenges and optimise new opportunities?

Transform to see the truth

Agile AI & ML that produces data-driven insights is the goal. As you juggle planning, the effect of ESG on the cost of capital, transactions, mergers, acquisitions and compliance, how do you create a single source of truth to give your organisation what it needs to reduce complexity, accelerate modernisation and stay ahead of the market?



Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with finance leaders with challenges in common.

With a perspective from Oracle and Wipro


The online meeting comprises three segments:

Live Polling & Commentary (15 minutes)

We kick off with a poll question for you to answer

Breakout Discussion (30 minutes)

You will consider a stimulus question and form a question for the panel

Panel Session (30 minutes)

Questions are posed, opinions given, and knowledge exchanged


The meeting joining link will be provided to you after your place is confirmed.

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