The Composable Revolution: Delivering Tomorrow’s Digital Experiences Today

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The Composable Revolution: Delivering Tomorrow’s Digital Experiences Today

Tuesday, 07 March 2023

18:30  to  22:00 Europe, London (GMT+01:00)


The Langham
1C Portland Place
Regent Street
United Kingdom

INDUSTRIES: Cross Industry

EVENT TYPE: Club Dinner


We’re crossing the Rubicon. Large enterprise-grade businesses across a broad mix of verticals are now seeing the value of delivering intelligent, composable experiences based on MACH principles and have begun their transformation journeys. You need the buy-in and the technical architecture – that’s what will put you in a position to optimise cross-functional relationships and get your message out everywhere to everybody who needs to see it. So how do you get started?

Get noticed

If you’re going to change the mindset, you need a sharp definition of the business outcomes you want to achieve and what your operating model is going to be. It has never been so easy to make the case for transformation, but you need everyone to be focusing on the customer experience that they are delivering. In the context of a world of multiple customer touchpoints and less emphasis on brand loyalty, what do you need to do to stand out from the crowd?

Grow your content

You have to test and learn and grow your content in a modular fashion while ensuring cohesive integration in order to deliver a personalised message. It’s not a big bang; it’s an iterative approach that gets you what you need when you need it. How do you optimise agile working and get you where you need to be at the right speed?

Build in the Ecosystem

No matter how creative and personalised your content, without agility, functionality and a consistent, trusted message, customers will turn off and go elsewhere. How can composable architecture unite organisational silos so that you can oversee complex systems, improve speed to market and deliver value at every marketing touchpoint?


Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with leaders from across industry approaching shared challenges.

Combining structured business discussion with free-form networking over fine food and wine, the event will be independently facilitated and will leave you with fresh insights, robust practical examples and powerful new connections.

With a perspective from Kin+Carta


18:30 – 19:00 – Arrival & Aperitif

Meet your peers and get to know each other over a welcome drink

19:00 – 21:30 – Dinner & Discussion

Fine dining, fine wine and fine discourse form the perfect menu.

21:30 – 22:00 – Coffee & Digestifs

Conversations continue over coffee and a selection of digestifs

22:00 – 22:30 – Carriages

Homeward bound


The Langham

1C Portland Place London W1B 1JA