Shut ‘em Down: Making Decommissioning Simpler and Safer for 2023 and Beyond

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Shut ‘em Down: Making Decommissioning Simpler and Safer for 2023 and Beyond

Thursday, 30 March 2023

18:30  to  20:30 Europe, London (GMT+01:00)




EVENT TYPE: Digital Experience


Enterprises are a way down the road towards modernising their application infrastructure, but they face data integrity and compliance challenges. Why? Because legacy applications contain valuable and regulated data and content, which must be retained…but the legacy applications themselves are a cost and risk burden. So what’s the secret?

Build forward securely

You need to be set up to be adaptive, transparent and holistic. In a changing regulatory landscape, how do you maintain a secure system of record that lets you keep what you want to keep while lowering your risk profile and increasing your cyber resilience?


Organisations rely on a few key mission-critical applications to help run their business, but quite often these applications are costly, filled with technical debt, and difficult to decommission. How do you set yourself up to simplify and reduce the time to archive, so that you can see results at the speed you need to compete in 2023 and beyond? 

The science of compliance

Many enterprises retain legacy applications and systems to ensure compliance with complex regulatory frameworks, but the escalating costs and risks associated with their management are a burden, especially in a world of tougher data protection legislation and increasing IT rationalisation. How do you keep both eyes on compliance while ensuring your infrastructure is aligned with your business needs?


Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with IT and technology leaders with challenges in common.

With a perspective from OpenText


The online meeting comprises six segments:

18:30 – 18:45 – Live Polling & Commentary

We kick off with a poll question for you to answer

18:45 – 19:00 – Wine No. 1

Sommelier-led tasting and discussion of the first wine

19:00 – 19:30 – Breakout Discussion

You will consider a stimulus question and form a question for the panel

19:30 – 19:45 – Wine No. 2

Sommelier-led tasting and discussion of the second wine

19:45 – 20:15 – Panel Session

Questions are posed, opinions given, and knowledge exchanged

20:15 – 20:30 – Wine No. 3

Sommelier-led tasting and discussion of the final wine


The meeting joining link will be provided to you after your place is confirmed.

If you don’t have the Zoom Meeting App, visit our site to download it for your device: