Configure-Set-Produce-Automate: Optimising B2B Sales & Order Management for 2023 and Beyond

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Configure-Set-Produce-Automate: Optimising B2B Sales & Order Management for 2023 and Beyond

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

18:30  to  22:00 Europe, London (GMT+01:00)


Seven Park Place by William Drabble
7-8 Park Place
St. James's
United Kingdom

INDUSTRIES: Cross Industry

EVENT TYPE: Club Dinner


B2B sales and order management processes are being influenced by the levels of accountability and visibility available for their B2C counterparts. Simultaneously, disparate data spread across multiple systems is restricting businesses’  view of their customers, leading to missed opportunities. You need to improve internal and external visibility of your sales & orders management processes, improve the accuracy and speed of pricing and quoting processes, and reduce costs. So what’s the secret?

Data in the dark

Disconnected data, processes and systems means you can’t see all your order management and processing in one place. How do you bring visibility to your supply chain, consolidate and connect all your data and processes, so that you can delight your customers every time?

Ensuring supply

You need to make sure your customers can engage secure in the knowledge that your operations are resilient, agile, transparent and connected. How do you create a sustainable end-to-end journey with every link in the chain as strong as the next?

Streamlining the sales process

Simplifying complex configuration, centrally managing pricing, and streamlining the quoting process for all your orders is an enormous advantage. To do so, you need to tear down the wall between the front and back offices. How do you set yourself up to optimise your work through digitised, automated processes that seamlessly span departments and systems, and enable your sales people to focus on what they do best?


Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with leaders approaching shared challenges.

Combining structured business discussion with free-form networking over fine food and wine, the event will be independently facilitated and will leave you with fresh insights, robust practical examples and powerful new connections.

With a perspective from Oracle and Enigen


18:30 – 19:00 – Arrival & Aperitif

Meet your peers and get to know each other over a welcome drink

19:00 – 21:30 – Dinner & Discussion

Fine dining, fine wine and fine discourse form the perfect menu.

21:30 – 22:00 – Coffee & Digestifs

Conversations continue over coffee and a selection of digestifs

22:00 – 22:30 – Carriages

Homeward bound


Seven Park Place by William Drabble

7-8 Park Pl,

St. James's,

London SW1A 1LS