The Financial Services Dilemma: Transformation while Balancing Growth, Risk & Compliance

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The Financial Services Dilemma: Transformation while Balancing Growth, Risk & Compliance

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

09:00  to  10:15 Europe, London (GMT+01:00)



INDUSTRIES: Financial Services



In challenging economic and political times that create volatility and dynamic monetary policy changes, financial institutions are having to manage operational liquidity whilst playing catch up with compliance and cost. It’s a fine balancing act between growth and risk. To respond, you need to find a way to extract and aggregate data from multiple systems, prioritise more value-added activities, optimise your teams and reimagine your finance operating model. So how do you do that?

Unify systems, make time, deliver value

Disconnected data, processes and systems means too much time is spent on mundane tasks. How do you transform to automate, consolidate and connect all your data, so that you reduce business risk, improve forward visibility and free up your people to work on what delivers the most value?

Embed the tech to see the truth

You need to differentiate yourself with a 360°image-20230404101312-1.png view of the customer and provide the best advice regarding products and services, whilst managing your balance sheet to lessen exposure in response to monetary policy fluctuations and other risk levers. How can the right platform ensure your view remains constant so that your insights give your organisation what it needs to grow?

Optimise & automate

In a high-inflation environment, you need to keep a close eye on input costs and manage your margins. You need to know everything sooner and act faster. As you juggle planning, forecasting, scenario planning, transactions, risk mitigation and compliance, how do you transform your finance operating model to optimise your work through digitised, automated processes that seamlessly span departments & systems?

The science of compliance

You need an automated, continuous, robust and standardised approach that optimises AI/ML to facilitate accurate risk and compliance reporting. How do you get accurate, timely data you need to ensure your organisation complies with complex regulatory frameworks?



Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with leaders from your industry with challenges in common.

With a perspective from Wipro and Oracle


The online meeting comprises three segments:

Live Polling & Commentary (15 minutes)

We kick off with a poll question for you to answer

Breakout Discussion (30 minutes)

You will consider a stimulus question and form a question for the panel

Panel Session (30 minutes)

Questions are posed, opinions given, and knowledge exchanged


The meeting joining link will be provided to you after your place is confirmed.

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