Rethinking Manufacturing: Growing Sustainable Change for 2023 and Beyond

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Rethinking Manufacturing: Growing Sustainable Change for 2023 and Beyond

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

18:30  to  20:30 Europe, London (GMT+01:00)



INDUSTRIES: Manufacturing

EVENT TYPE: Digital Experience


Today’s manufacturers are striving for competitive advantage, new revenue streams and market growth while addressing their supply chain resilience. This means transforming from product to service-centric business, increasing speed & response time, improving quality & efficiency in product development & production and positive end-to-end ESG. While today’s demanding social, economic and supply chain challenges mean that sustainable change is a must for manufacturers, it needs to be hyper-accelerated. So how do you get started?

Embrace the data

Though customer-driven manufacturing and servitisation when combined with service transformation & Experience as a Service (Xaas) drive new ways of selling against future production needs, if you have disconnected data, it means you can’t deliver the experiences you and your customers want. So how do you capitalise on intelligent insight across complex systems which manage all your processes at every stage of the journey, while making decisions and giving your customers what they want when they want it?

Embed sustainability

Be it a decarbonised supply chain; sustainability metrics embedded in product design; the effect of ESG on the cost of capital; or your engagement strategy, you need to be able to record, report and reduce every aspect of your sustainability journey. How do you set yourself up to have the best view of your vulnerabilities, focus on your risks, understand your exposure, see what’s been working, enable new functionality and paint a sustainability picture fit for 2023 and beyond?

Engage & grow

If you’re having to deal with skyrocketing inflation, rising costs, disruptions and instability, finding the space for innovation can be tough. This environment makes it difficult to take full advantage of growth opportunities. What do you need to do to deliver the products, services and offers that will drive new revenue streams?


Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with manufacturing leaders with challenges in common.

With a perspective from Avanade


The online meeting comprises six segments:

18:30 – 18:45 – Live Polling & Commentary

We kick off with a poll question for you to answer

18:45 – 19:00 – Tasting Kit No. 1

Expert led discussion of the first tasting experience

19:00 – 19:30 – Breakout Discussion

You will consider a stimulus question and form a question for the panel

19:30 – 19:45 – Tasting Kit No. 2

Expert led discussion of the second tasting experience

19:45 – 20:15 – Panel Session

Questions are posed, opinions given, and knowledge exchanged

20:15 – 20:30 – Tasting Kit No.3

Expert led discussion of the third tasting experience


The meeting joining link will be provided to you after your place is confirmed.