The Content Revolution: Shaping the Digital Experience Landscape of Tomorrow

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The Content Revolution: Shaping the Digital Experience Landscape of Tomorrow

Thursday, 29 June 2023

08:30  to  10:30 Europe, London (GMT+01:00)


St. James's Hotel and Club
7-8 Park Place
St. James's
United Kingdom

INDUSTRIES: Cross Industry

EVENT TYPE: Club Breakfast


Large enterprise-grade businesses across a broad mix of verticals are now seeing the value of delivering intelligent, composable experiences driven by adaptability and speed to market.

But the customer journey is increasingly complex. Disconnected data, legacy systems and poor processes mean you don’t have a single customer view and can’t deliver the meaningful experiences your customers want.

You need to optimise cross-functional relationships and get the best content out to everybody who needs to see it.

Planning, producing and delivering that content requires the right data, the right strategy and the right amount of personalisation. Given that bespoke engagement nurtures relationships, boosts loyalty and grows your brand, how do you deliver a supercharged digital experience that makes you stand out from the crowd?

Grow your content

You have to grow your content in a modular fashion while ensuring cohesive integration in order to deliver a personalised message at scale. It’s not a big bang; it’s an iterative approach that gets you what you need when you need it. How do you optimise agile working and get you where you need to be at the right speed?

It’s all about the data

Data reveals connections, allow patterns to be recognised and is optimised when used holistically. It’s the key to that extra share of voice in a saturated market. How do you see what’s been working, lock-in innovation and produce and deliver relevant, value-added content at velocity across channels?

Build in the Ecosystem

No matter how creative and personalised your content, without agility, functionality and a consistent, trusted message, customers will turn off and go elsewhere. How can you set yourself up to unite organisational silos so that you can oversee complex systems, and deliver value at every marketing touchpoint?


Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with content leaders approaching shared challenges.

We offer you valuable information, insights, a moderated discussion and new connections.

With a perspective from 3|SHARE and Adobe


08:30 – 09:00 – Arrival & Welcome Drink

Meet your peers and get to know each other over a welcome drink

09:00 – 10:30 – Breakfast & Discussion

Fine food, fine refreshments and fine discourse form the perfect menu.

10:30 – 10:45 – Further Refreshments & Networking

Conversations can continue over coffee

10:45 – 11:00 – Carriages

The morning concludes


St. James's Hotel and Club

7-8 Park Pl,

St. James's,

London SW1A 1LS