Beyond Transactions: Building Purposeful and Sustainable B2B Relationships

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Beyond Transactions: Building Purposeful and Sustainable B2B Relationships

Thursday, 29 June 2023

18:30  to  22:00 Europe, München (GMT+02:00)


Hotel Bayerischer Hof
Promenadeplatz 2-6

INDUSTRIES: Manufacturing

EVENT TYPE: Club Dinner


Customer expectations regarding response time, personalisation and purchasing options are rising, as B2C experiences increasingly become the norm in the B2B orbit. It’s not just transactions anymore – it’s relationship building. Given that bespoke engagement nurtures relationships, boosts loyalty and grows your brand, how do you deliver the end-to-end digital experiences that your customers really want?

Inspiration at every turn

B2B consumers need the same creative, warm and inspirational messages as they’d expect to get in their leisure hours – people don’t fundamentally change when they log into work. It’s got to be memorable, it’s got to be knowledgeable, and it’s got to be distinctive. How do you get your people delivering inspirational, personalised content across every channel?

End-to-end personalisation

You need the right infrastructure to make the buying journey smoother and give your customers what they want when they want it. How do you get real-time data, oversee complex systems and manage all your processes in order to see every stage of the journey and get your messaging where you need it to be? 


No matter how good your product, without creativity, agility, energy and functionality, customers will turn off and go elsewhere. How do you set yourself up so that teams can progress leads, expand accounts and unlock agility?


Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with leaders approaching shared challenges.

Combining structured business discussion with free-form networking over fine food and wine, the event will be independently facilitated and will leave you with fresh insights, robust practical examples and powerful new connections.

With a perspective from Wunderman Thompson and Optimizely


18:30 – 19:00 – Arrival & Aperitif

Meet your peers and get to know each other over a welcome drink

19:00 – 21:30 – Dinner & Discussion

Fine dining, fine wine and fine discourse form the perfect menu.

21:30 – 22:00 – Coffee & Digestifs

Conversations continue over coffee and a selection of digestifs

22:00 – 22:30 – Carriages

Homeward bound


Hotel Bayerischer Hof,
Promenadeplatz 2-6,
D-80333 München