Green Means Go: speeding up the change to place sustainability at the centre of what you do

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Green Means Go: speeding up the change to place sustainability at the centre of what you do

Thursday, 09 November 2023

18:30  to  22:00 Europe, London (GMT+01:00)


City Social
Tower 42
25 Old Broad St
United Kingdom

INDUSTRIES: Consumer Goods, Retail

EVENT TYPE: Club Dinner


The world has just seen the hottest month on record. In that context, it’s hardly surprising that consumers say the sustainability practices of a company have an impact when choosing to buy from them. This means that placing sustainability at the heart of your value chain is more important than ever. But in tough times, when keeping the lights on is paramount, how do you get started?

Tough times, tough solutions

Sustainability in retail and consumer products businesses is improving, but there’s work to be done. The context of skyrocketing inflation, supply chain disruption and recession doesn’t help. But when the times get tough, the tough get innovative. How do you transform your culture and instil sustainability throughout your operations?

Record, report, act

Organisations that place sustainability high in the value chain are those which consumers are gravitating towards. But disconnected data means you can’t deliver the meaningful experiences your customers want. If you are to gain an advantage, being set up to plot deep, granular behaviours is key. That means recording, reporting and acting on what you find. How can the technology transform your operations and get your people optimising insights across all your channels?

20-20 vision

You need to know what your customers want, and on what channels. That means being set up to be flexible and customisable so you can reveal connections and patterns. You also need to show them new things and new ways to engage so you can grow together. How can you increase visibility of the customer, find out what they want now, while being able to test what they might want in the future?


Join us to exchange opinions and ideas with retail and CPG leaders approaching shared challenges.

Combining structured business discussion with free-form networking over fine food and wine, the event will be independently facilitated and will leave you with fresh insights, robust practical examples and powerful new connections.

With a perspective from SAP.


18:30 – 19:00 – Arrival & Aperitif

Meet your peers and get to know each other over a welcome drink

19:00 – 21:30 – Dinner & Discussion

Fine dining, fine wine and fine discourse form the perfect menu.

21:30 – 22:00 – Coffee & Digestifs

Conversations continue over coffee and a selection of digestifs

22:00 – 22:30 – Carriages

Homeward bound


City Social

Tower 42,

25 Old Broad St,

London EC2N 1HQ